Curriculum for Cohesion

Outreach Category Archive

Monday, 20th February – CfC Presentation to Ms. Pam Raven, Subject Leader of National Curriculum Review for History

By Dr. Matthew Wilkinson

At the instigation of the office of the Secretary of State for Education, Rt. Hon. Michael Gove, Dr. Matthew Tariq Wilkinson presented some the key aims, findings and recommendations of the Curriculum for Cohesion in History to Ms. Pam Raven, Subject Leader of National Curriculum Review for History at the Department for Education.  We had […]

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This post was published on Monday, 27th February , 2012 at 10:37 am and is filed under Outreach, Uncategorized. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can also add a comment to this post, or trackback from your own website.

Dr. Farid Panjwani

By Dr. Matthew Wilkinson

On Tuesday, 31st January Matthew Tariq Wilkinson, principal researcher, visited Dr. Farid Panjwani visited Dr Farid Panjwnai at the Institute for the Study of Muslim Civilisations, Euston, London to invite him to become an associate advisor to the Curriculum for Cohesion project. Dr Panjwani is currently an Assistant Professor at the Aga Khan University’s Institute […]

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This post was published on Monday, 6th February , 2012 at 3:12 pm and is filed under Outreach. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can also add a comment to this post, or trackback from your own website.

Better History Conference

By Dr. Matthew Wilkinson with one comment

On Saturday, 28th January Mohammed Amin, patron, and Matthew Tariq Wilkinson, principal researcher, attended the Better History Conference at Anglia Ruskin University organised by the Better History Forum lead by Dr. Sean Lang.  The conference explored the future of History in schools in the context of the current National Curriculum Review for History. Mr. Tim […]

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This post was published on Monday, 6th February , 2012 at 3:11 pm and is filed under Outreach. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can also add a comment to this post, or trackback from your own website.

Visit to Al Muntada Trust

By Dr. Matthew Wilkinson

Monday, 16th January 2012. Dr. Matthew Tariq Wilkinson, Principal Researcher, presented a Curriculum for Cohesion to Mr. Sameh Ramadan, Managing Director, and Mr. Abdul Hakeem Montague, Trust Secretary, of the Al Muntada Trust in Parsons Green, Fulham, London. Mr. Ramadan and Mr. Montague expressed their intellectual support and admiration for the project and committed to […]

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This post was published on Thursday, 19th January , 2012 at 12:29 pm and is filed under Outreach, Uncategorized. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can also add a comment to this post, or trackback from your own website.