Curriculum for Cohesion

Prize-winning book

A Fresh Look at Islam in a Multi-faith World: a philosophy for success through education (Routledge, 2015).

Winner of the 2014 Cheryl Frank Memorial Prize.

This book was written for the Routledge Critical Realism and Education series for use by teacher-trainees and researchers on Islam and Muslims. It expounds the complete philosophy of Islamic critical realism and suggests to teachers how they can apply it to enrich their practice in humanities education in schools.

A Fresh Look at Islam in a Multi-Faith World provides a comprehensive approach to thinking and teaching systematically and deeply about Islam and Muslims in a multi-faith world. It makes the case for a contemporary educational philosophy, called Islamic Critical Realism, to help young Muslims surmount the challenges that they face in their interaction and relationships with non-Muslims and vice versa.

The book explains how this Islamic Critical Realist approach can serve the interpretation of the core, basic elements of Islamic doctrine and practice, so that these essential features of the Muslim way of life can help, rather than hinder, Muslim young people to fulfill themselves and to contribute positively to life in multi-faith democracies.

Finally, the book shows how the Islamic critical realist approach can be used by History, Religious Education and Citizenship teachers to help young Muslims learn deeply and engage successfully with multi-faith society in a globalizing world.

Available now on at this link in paperback, hardcover and Kindle.

Below Dr Wilkinson gives more background information on the book in an 11 minute video.
